Thursday, April 26, 2012

First question, do you currently have, or have you ever dealt with anxiety?  If so, when did you first experience it?
Hey guys. This is a group I am making for a grad school project. I making a resource for secondary students (grades 6 and up) to access for information on anxiety. I have dealt with it myself and not having anyone to talk to about it or resources to look for made it hard for me to understand what I was going through. I would like to make it easier for teens today to have a spot to go to for questions that they may have about stress and anxiety. For this, I will need everyone's help.

The point of this group is for people to post their personal experiences if they have dealt with or are still dealing with anxiety. I will facilitate questions as conversations go to get some feedback from everyone. Now this is for a project and not something that I am putting into effect yet, but it can be done down the road.

Since a large majority of high secondary students are using Facebook, I thought it a great way for them to access this content was through here! That way, once we have a nice strong conversation base set up here, students who have questions about or are dealing with stress and anxiety will be invited to join the group and go through and read about different people and their different experiences with anxiety.